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Our mission 

Background and idea
Ashura as an event in all its aspects and angles is growing globally as well as locally. The mourning ceremony and Ashura gatherings in their diversity and culture grow and continue and are preached in numerous methods and ways.

With this observation, the need arose for a platform that informs both about Ashura factually as an event, about the events the event brings with it in a Danish context here at home in Denmark, and not least to explain the culture and traditions linked to the gatherings nationally and internationally.


The team behind aims for the website and the initiative to grow continuously to become a lifestyle for Hussain's followers and supporters, as well as a continuous humanitarian and social effort for the rest of the year rather than a limitation to the event's specific 10 nights.


In order to achieve the above overall goals, promoters who are passionate about disseminating information about Imam Hussein and the Ashura tragedy aim to emphasize factual and professionalism in and the maintenance of a professional and informative website. Next, the primary desire to gather all Shia Muslims is linked to a platform that, independent of the mourning ceremony, creates a continuous ongoing work with social and charity projects for the rest of the year.

Purpose and target group

  1. Information in Danish.
    With a growing number of Ahlul Bait's followers (Shia Muslims) in Denmark and in the Nordics, it has become a necessity to inform about Ashura in Danish with Danish glasses. The initiators look forward to filling this void with this project and website.

  2. Different target groups.
    One of the main aims of the project is to contribute knowledge primarily to the following target groups:
    - Danish Shia Muslims.
    - Muslims of other faiths (Sunni).
    - non-Muslim citizens and fellow human beings. 

  3. Tool to get into the heat.
    Based on the growing spread and universal embrace of the Ashura message, all information about the event can create the framework for an easier association with Imam Hussein. The information about Ashura and its events will create a smooth transition to the Karbala atmosphere while you are still in Denmark.


  4. Love for action.
    God, the Prophets' and Imams' message of love was shown to be supplemented with action to extend the usefulness of this message for the benefit of mankind. It is therefore necessary that every follower of Imam Hussein and every supporter of Hussain's principles and values do their utmost to maintain the generosity of time and resources in helping one's fellow human beings. therefore keeps its visitors up-to-date on humanitarian and social efforts and projects, in order precisely to be able to translate the love for Imam Hussein into action and general benefit.

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