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"Arbaeen Peace March"

Up to 25 million people gather for the 40th day, also called Arbaeen after the Ashura tragedy, to mark the mourning ceremony. The visitors from all corners of the world show their compassion and support for the Prophet's family by walking long distances of up to 90 kilometers spread over a few days with Karbala in sight.

Every year Imam Hussain's mauseloum is visited by more than 124 nationalities, where their common denominator is their love for the Prophet's grandson and his holy family. The rallying point is Iraq's various cities; primarily Najaf or Baghdad and the destination is the city of Karbala where the Ashura incident took place. The grave site of Imam Hussain and Abbas can be found in the center of Karbala.

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Kommende begivenheder

  • Arbaeen fredsmarch
    Arbaeen fredsmarch
    Sun, 25 Aug
    Arbaeen fredsmarch
    25 Aug 2024, 06:30 – 12:30
    Arbaeen fredsmarch, Hundige Station, Hundige Stationsvej 2, 2670 Greve
    "Arbaeen fredsmarch" er navnet på det årlige march som herhjemme i Danmark startede 2005 af enkelte sørgende. Ønsket var at gå et symbolsk afstand, som den million march der finder sted årligt i Irak, til minde for Imam Hussein´s familie, der blev taget som gidsler efter Karbala tragedien år 680.
  • Arbaeen-event og kunstudstilling
    Arbaeen-event og kunstudstilling
    Sat, 24 Aug
    Fatemiyu Arbaeen-event & kunstudstilling
    24 Aug 2024, 15:00 – 19:00
    Fatemiyu Arbaeen-event & kunstudstilling, Medborgerhuset Taastrup, Taastrup Hovedgade 71, 2630 Taastrup
    Kunstudstillingen fortsætter for 4. år i træk og byder på adskillige og forskellige kunstværker ifm. Ashura tragedien. Formålet er, udover at være en forsamling for elskere af Imam Hussein og sørgerne, at Ashura prøves visualiseret og viderebringes kunstnerisk og visuelt.
  • DAM Arbaeen program
    DAM Arbaeen program
    Sat, 24 Aug
    DAM Arbeen program
    24 Aug 2024, 17:30 – 20:00
    DAM Arbeen program, Gl. Lindholm skole, Lindholmsvej 65, 9400 Nørresundby
    DAM forening er en folkeoplysende frivillig forening, der arrangerer kulturelle, sociale og idrætsmæssige aktiviteter for børn og unge. Foreningen har både en afdeling i København og i Aalborg og byder på adskillige og løbende programmer og arrangementer.
  • Fredagsprogram: Arbaeen
    Fredagsprogram: Arbaeen
    Fri, 23 Aug
    Fredagsprogram: Arbaeen
    23 Aug 2024, 18:00 – 21:00
    Fredagsprogram: Arbaeen, Imam Ali Moskeen, Vibevej 25-27, 2400 København
    Imam Ali Moske byder på taler og sørgepoesi på dansk, arabisk (irakisk og libanesisk) og persisk (afghansk og iransk) samt uddeling mad fra det irakiske/ persiske/ libanesiske Ashura køkken.
  • Distribution meeting
    Distribution meeting
    Sat, 24 Aug
    Distribution meeting
    24 Aug 2024, 12:00 – 13:00
    Distribution meeting, Karen Blixens Vej 8, 2300 Copenhagen S, room 12.0.44
    Every year we carry on the information about Ashura. Every year, distributes material to both our Sunni siblings and our non-Muslim citizens for several activities in connection with the mourning period.




​Shia Muslims often wear black clothing as part of their mourning for the tragedies, especially those associated with the martyrdom of Imam Hussain at the Battle of Karbala. This practice symbolizes mourning, respect and reminders of the sufferings that Hussain and his followers went through. Black clothing is also a way to express solidarity with the victims who have suffered injustice and oppression.

Flags in different colors:​

Mourning and Respect: Black is a common heartfelt color worn during religious mourning periods such as Ashura and Muharram. It symbolizes mourning and respect for the martyrdom of Imam Hussain and his family in the battle of Karbala.

Sacred Colors: Green is a color often associated with the descendants of the Prophet Muhammad and is said to be a color often used to symbolize peace.

Meaning and Identification: Some Shia groups or organizations may have certain colors that symbolize their identity or affiliation with a particular direction or leadership.

Hosting Arbaeen:

"Hosting the Arbaeen" refers to the practice of providing free food, shelter and facilities to pilgrims and visitors participating in the Arbaeen pilgrimage to the city of Karbala in Iraq. This is an important part of the Arbaeen observance, where millions of pilgrims, including Shia Muslims and others, travel to Karbala to commemorate the martyrdom of Imam Hussain. People from communities along the pilgrimage route open their homes and facilities to support the pilgrims and demonstrate solidarity and generosity. This hosting symbolizes important values such as community, humanity and caring for others.



On par with the pilgrimage to Mecca, the Arbaeen peace march has become one of the biggest Muslim holidays ever.

A crowd of growing 20 million visitors at this international event cannot be overlooked or underestimated, especially in times when the SoMe movement and the media in general make it easier for followers to explore all the world's geographies, cultures and nations.

In spite of the several governments and various obstacles, including the COVID19 virus as the latest, there has been no less support for this movement of freedom and renewal of love.

The visitors gather in these huge numbers to empathize with and recall the horrors and horrors the captives among the Prophet's family and children have been through. This memory of humiliation and inhumane treatment reminds all societies of theirrole in enjoining the good and forbidding the evil which can also be manifested in a symbolic movement.

Billede af ‏🌸🙌 أخٌ‌في‌الله


The Arbaeen pilgrimage is the largest annual pilgrimage and is discussed with reference to the foot pilgrimage concepts.

Along the major routes from Iraq's various cities to Karbala, the visitors and mourners of Imam Hussain meet a long line of tents and service points that are also called "mawkib" / موكب.

A mawkib can consist of a group of volunteers or of local residents who simply wish to offer the wandering visitors a form of support and servicing to be able to complete and complete the walk to Karbala, with Imam Hussain's burial ground as the end station.

Some of the locals may have waited a whole year to sacrifice the individual or the few sheep or cows they have as a means of livelihood, just to serve them to the Imam's guests during the Arbaeen. Meanwhile, other groups cross national borders and hundreds and thousands of kilometers in order to contribute with their participation, which may vary. Below, some of these "mawakib"/service points may contain:

  • Food and drinks.

  • Massage and foot care.

  • Over the counter medicine and my health check.

  • Rest and overnight locations (the host's own house or pitched tents) .



The Battle of Karbala had many aspects to it.

Should one choose to emphasize one of the aspects and points of view, in addition to the tragedy, the bloodshed and the grief, then the sacrifice will be one of the major topics that will be at the center.

Lovers of Imam Hussain have learned to build on Mrs. Zaynab and Imam Al-Sajjad's promotion of the concept of sacrifice and on the prophets before them. One of the methods of marketing the Prophet's grandson was and is to attract and share the message by sacrificing the dearest thing a supporter of Hussain has to give for the message and for this special love affair.

In a world that is coming closer than ever through technology and logistics, the detachment from material goods means a form of liberation from the ownership of the property by the owner. Ashura sacrifice and Arbaeen's culture of generosity and giving creates a human attachment that crosses all boundaries and surpasses all ego in the teachings of the father of freedom Hussain, grandson of the Prophet, and his family and companions.

These growing rituals and their expansion to countries around the world, as well as their impact, are a large area of research that creates curiosity among researchers and awaits further exploration, not least by academics and sociologists.


The atmosphere in every Arbaeen rendition is the joy of sacrificing the most dear that one cares about in the footsteps of the prophets and not least in the example of Imam Hussain. Grief and retribution are not least linked to prophets such as the prophet Jacob/Yakuub, who wept over his son Yusuf's absence and became blind as a result. Likewise, examples and lessons are taken from the sails of the prophets; the prophet Muhammad pbuh and his grief and weeping over his beloved wife Khadijha and uncle Abu Talib who both lost their lives in the desert in sacrifice for Islam and its transmission.

When the 40th day of the Imam is mentioned, a mourner for the Prophet's family cannot long for anything other than to wish to be present together with other believers in the weeping for Hussain and the condolence for Lady Fatima and the Prophet Muhammad pbuh.

The yin and yang relationship between hospitality and sacrifice is no doubt eye-catching even to non-Muslims these days and nights, showing nothing but the desire for co-ownership, distribution and initiative in hospitality and hosting.

"When God wishes something good for a person, Imam Hussain's love will be added in that person's heart as well as the performance of his visit"

- Imam Ja'afar Al-Sadiq pvmh.
Wasaail Alshia, chapter 14 report 1967 8

Arbaeen danmark.jpg


"Perform good deeds even if you are surrounded by evil."
Imam Hussain (pbuh)

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