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The first ten nights of Muharram - What are the main themes and sub-topics of the speeches
1st night - Muharram moon
Main themes:
- The Imams and the memory of grief.
- The mourning rituals and ceremonies of the Imams.
- The Muslim world after Imam Ali's martyrdom.
- The peace agreement after Muawiya's poisoning of Imam Hassan.
- Imam Hussain's Imamat and position towards Yazid.

Examples of subtopics:
  • Remembering the joy and sorrow of Ahlul Bayt.
  • ​Brotherly friendship; the road to paradise.
  • The escape from the clock and its implications and responsibilities.
  • Identity and attachment to the environment and homeland.
  • Care and its role in people's lives.
2nd night -Imam Hussain's departure from Medina
Main themes:
- Muawiya's transfer of the throne and the caliphate to his son Yazid.
- Yazid's letter to Imam Hussain, Abdullah ibn al-Zabayr and Abdullah ibn Omar ibn al-Khattab about oath and loyalty.
- The Imam's parting with his grandfather; the Prophet Muhammad and his mother; Mrs. Fatima al-Zahra.
- The Imam's farewell to his family and the state of the caravan.

Examples of subtopics:
  • The grief and its legitimacy.
  • The rewards of mourning for the leader of the martyrs.
  • The sources and accounts of Muharram.
  • Crying, grief and their impact.
  • ​The observance of Ashura throughout the year, except Muharram.
  • The victory of justice and its sacrifices.
  • To preach good and forbid evil.
  • The struggle of the Imam and its preconditions.
  • The act of mourning Imam Hussain and his companions.
  • The articulation of Hussain's oppressionsee of his own people.
3rd night - The Ambassador
Muslim ibn Aqeel

Main themes:
- Muslim ibn Aqil's relationship with Imam Hussain.
- The secret behind ibn Aqil's appointment as messenger and ambassador to Kufa.

- Kufa clan leader and martyr Hani ibn Urwa.
- Kufa's situation after Ubaydillah ibn Ziyad's arrival. 
- Hussein's ambassador alone without supporters.

Examples of subtopics:
  • Betrayal and its forms and incentives.
  • ​The household of the Prophet and the doctrine of self-control.
  • Sincerity in action and upholding principles.
  • Examples of unity in Islam.
  • The wisdom of the imams and sense of surroundings.
  • The prioritization of awareness in a busy everyday life.
4th night - Course towards Kufa
Main themes:
- The route from Mecca to Medina.
- Yazid is informed about Kufa's uprising and the Imam's invitation.
- Damascus prepares and pays for an army in Kufa.
- The meeting with the army commander Hur at the outskirts of Kufa.
- The routing of the Imam and his caravan to the plain of Karbala.

Examples of subtopics:
  • Choices in life and its constant search for truth.
  • Human destiny and the ability to change.
  • Islam's ethics and morality in war and peace.
  • Life's journeys and challenges.
  • God's rewards follow the effort.
Google maps Medina, Mekka, Karbala, Kufa
5th night - Companion of the Prophet;
Habib ibn Mudhahir
Main themes:
- Habib's life as a companion to the Prophet and Imam Ali.
- The connection to Imam Hussain's caravan.
- The other companions' (Sahaba شاهبة) several backgrounds and stories up to the conclusion of the Imam's journey towards Kufa.
- Habib's call to the neighboring clans and the support for Hussain.
- Habib's clan Banu Asad and their role after Karbala.

Examples of subtopics:
  • The rank and diversity of the companions, for better or for worse.
  • The role of the Prophet and the Imams in the education of the Companions.
  • The good friendship and its influence.
  • The hard choices in life and contradicting evil.
  • To detach from all the negative in culture and traditions.
6th night - Martyrs of the plain of Karbala
Main themes:
- Ms. Zainab's children; Aun and Mohammad.
- Zainab's relationship with Imams Hussain, Hassan and Abbas.
- The story of the promise before the start of the journey towards Karbala.
- Other companions of the Imam are mentioned such as Muslim ibn Awsaga, Burair al-Hamadani, Zuhair ibn al-Qain, John ibn Hawi etc.

Examples of subtopics:
  • God's sign as breadcrumbs and burden of proof.
  • ​Trust in God; The best planner.
  • The intention and the human interior.
  • To be remembered as a human being for one's actions.
  • Temporary suffering and eternal reward.
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7th night - Al-Abbas and his brothers
Main themes:
Um Al-Banin (Abbas's mother) and her choice of Imam Ali as a wife after the martyrdom of Mrs. Fatima al-Zahra.
- Abbas and his mother's clan lineage as well as characteristics, qualifications & heroic deeds.
- The strength in faith until their martyrdom in Karbala.

Examples of subtopics:
  • The choice of a suitable life partner.
  • ​The life examples of the prophets in partnership.
  • The true brotherhood reflected in Ashura.
  • The role of parents in raising children.
  • Marriage as an institution in society.
  • Sacrifice and its many forms.
8th Night - Son of Imam Hassan;
(al-) Qasim
Main themes:
- Martyrdom of Qasim at a young age.
- Qasim's mother and the desire to see one's son marry and start a family.
- The loss of Qasim and the heartbroken mother.
Examples of subtopics:
  • Growing up of young people and the impact of the environment.
  • ​The parents' wishes and the reality.
  • The debate on marriage at a young age.
  • Loss of young family members.
  • Martyrdom as a message.
  • The maintenance of trust in Allah during crises and losses.
9th Night - Children of Imam Hussain;
Ali (al-) akbar & (al-) asghar
Main themes:
- Martyrdom of Elder Ali (الأكبر) and Younger Ali (asghar/ ألأصغر).
- Mthe day's battle (10th Muharram) against the enemy.
- The state of the camp on the night of Ashura day.
- Farewell to and between the Imam's companions.
Companions' renewal of oath to the Imam and his household.
- The camp in memory of God, fate and family ties.
Examples of subtopics:
  • The role of healthy communities in society.
  • ​The relationship between a leader and followers.
  • Scholars (maraji) and their attributes.
  • Unity and its results.
  • Children, as one of life's benefits and enjoyment.
  • Offspring between blessings and challenges.
  • Care in worship and care in loyalty.
  • Cost of accompanying justice
Ashura day (10th day)
Local events:
- Today's morning lessons start with the recitation of the Karbala Battle (Maqtal/ مقطل). The best known is Abul-Zahra al-Qabi's version and audio recording. (Sources: Al-Azdi, Ibn Sa'ad, al-Baladhuri, al-Dinouri)
- After midday prayer (dhur and asr), the mourners gather for a peace march in, among other things, Copenhagen (Ashura procession) .
Main themes:
- Ashura today's preparations in both camps .
- The first martyrs and their famous poems, including Habib and Hur.
- The midday prayer (Dhuhr and Asr) and the defense of the worshipers against the attack against the Imam and the camp.
- The second wave of martyrs and their famous words.
- Abbas and the water collection from al-´Alqami (Euphrates) river.
- Martyrdom of Imam Hussain; the decapitation of corpses and the trampling of horses.
Global Events:
  • The city of Karbala is flooded with mourners.
  • Millions of mourners turn up in holy cities such as Karbala, Najaf, Samarra, Kadhemiya, Mash'had and Damascus .
  • Peace marches and processions mark Ashura Day in capitals around the world to commemorate Hussain's fight against injustice and sacrifice for justice and Islam's return to the prophet's call.
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10th night - Ashura night
Main themes:
- Mrs. Zainab's loneliness in Karbala.
- Imam Sajjad's unforgettable descriptions of the camp.
- The grief of the women and children is embraced by Mrs. Zainab.
- Dispossession of the camp and burning of tents.
- Sukaina's cry over the loss of her father; Imam Hussain.
- The survivors were captured without consideration or respect.
Examples of subtopics:
  • Tragedies and the restoration of trust in God.
  • ​The importance of caring in Islam.
  • A person's heart and the maintenance of mind and soul.
  • Judgment Day and the accounting of people's actions.
  • The implicit and ignorant support for injustice.
  • The results of silence in the face of the clock.
Subsequent nights -
The road to Kufa and Damascus
Main themes:
- The temporary imprisonment of the prisoners.
- Kufa's state between grief and guilt.
- Yazid's order for the prisoners to be moved to Damascus.
- Hspirit brain, chains and the humiliation of the prophet's family.
- The Ashura tragedy and its consequences for the Umayyads.
Examples of subtopics:
  • The role of women and patience.
  • Ignorance and its impact.
  • Year round Ashura and its values.
  • Household of the Prophet and their principles.
  • Rituals as a means and not as an end.
  • Ashura as necessary shock and movement of mind in the Muslim world.
  • Tawabin (توابين) the movement after the Karbala battle.
  • Al-Mukhtar al-Thaqafi and the revenge.
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